
Intensive Danish Summer Course - Beginners (A1)

mandag 21. juli
kr. 4.995
Start 21.07.2025
Periode 21.07.2025 til 08.08.2025
Lektioner 60
Hold nr.: 05000-25
Underviser cand.mag. Camilla Syhler
Sted Borgergade 14, 1. Sal
Lokale 133
Tid man 09.00 - 12.30
tir 09.00 - 12.30
ons 09.00 - 12.30
tor 09.00 - 12.30
fre 09.00 - 12.30
Pris kr. 4.995
Tid man 09.00 - 12.30
tir 09.00 - 12.30
ons 09.00 - 12.30
tor 09.00 - 12.30
fre 09.00 - 12.30

Your start to building good relations with Danish people
Get a good start with Danish so that you are able to get by in everyday situations where you communicate with Danes. Perhaps you are travelling to Denmark, perhaps you are already here - in either case, being able to speak Danish will be a source of great pleasure.
On all Studieskolen's courses, our focus is on learning to speak the language. After all, the main goal for all who study Danish, and especially beginners, is being able to talk to Danish people.
Right from the start, you get a good vocabulary. Words and phrases that you can put to immediate use when handling a number of everyday situations in Danish, such as when you want to:

  • have a simple conversation

  • order food and drinks at a café or restaurant

  • introduce yourself and your family

  • read and write simple texts

  • say numbers, days, dates and times

  • fill out a basic form

At the same time, you will get an understanding of the basics of Danish language and you will also get an introduction to Danish culture and society.

We have special focus on Danish pronunciation as this is crucial for being understood in - and understanding - Danish. You will practise how to pronounce the different sounds unique to Danish, and gain a familiarity with how the melody of a Danish sentence should sound.

Teaching materials
This course uses the teaching material Danish to Go - a comprehensive approach to learning Danish developed exclusively by Studieskolen.
Danish to Go consists of a textbook, a workbook and an interactive website. Each chapter uses material from all for an integrated and comprehensive learning experience - the best way to learn Danish.
You will use the textbook and workbook in class and the website for further learning and exercises. The website has sound, video, practice exercises and online resources with grammar and vocabulary.

The teaching materials are included in the course price. The teacher will hand out the books in class, and you will also be given access to our online learning platform Moodle where you can communicate with your teacher, check your homework and get up-to-date information.

In the afternoons and evenings, you can participate in lectures on Danish language and culture, as well as a series of field trips, workshops and social events.
You will learn about Danish politics, literature, history and everyday life. Please find the programme here on Studieskolen's website.
See the activities here

Practical information
If you're a complete or almost complete beginner, this class is for you.
Danish for beginners is the equivalent of level A1 in the Common European Framework Reference for Languages. It is for those with no prior knowledge of Danish.
There are 20 45-minute lessons in class per week.
There will be 10-18 students per class.

Camilla Syhler

Camilla anbefaler:

Hvad er dit yndlingssted i København?
"Jeg elsker fællesspisning i Folkehuset Absalon på Vesterbro. Absalon er en gammel kirke, der blev lavet om til kultur- og forsamlingshus i 2015. Grundlæggeren er Lennart Lajboschitz, der også er ejer af den internationale butikskæde Tiger. Jeg kan godt lide Absalon, fordi det er et godt sted at møde nye mennesker. Desuden er der mange sjove, kreative aktiviteter i Absalon hver uge. Udover fællesspisning kan man blandt andet gå til yoga, bingo, bordtennis, koncerter, film, foredrag m.m.

Hvis du vil opleve København oppefra, kan jeg også anbefale at besøge Tårnet på Christiansborg. Her findes en virkelig smuk udsigt over hele byen, og det er helt gratis at besøge det."

Hvem er din danske yndlingsforfatter?
"Jeg er ret begejstret for den grønlandske forfatter Niviaq Korneliussen, der blandt andet har skrevet romanen Blomsterdalen. Niviaqs romaner er spændende, fordi de handler om forholdet mellem Danmark og Grønland samt de udfordringer, mange unge grønlændere møder, når de flytter til Danmark for at studere eller arbejde."

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Intensive Danish Summer Course - Beginners (A1)

21. juli - 8. august
