
C1 Advanced Conversation for Fluency

onsdag 20. november
kr. 2.440
Nedsat pris
kr. 2.295
Start 20.11.2024
Periode 20.11.2024 til 22.01.2025
Lektioner 24
Hold nr.: 2020-24
Underviser MA Bing Sitoy
Sted Vognmagergade 8, 2. sal
Lokale V234
Tid ons 17.00 - 19.30
Pris kr. 2.440
Nedsat pris kr. 2.295
Tid ons 17.00 - 19.30

Speak English fluently and pronounce the words correctly
This course is for you if you are already at an advanced level, but you would like to progress even further by honing your skills. Perhaps you have not spoken English regularly for some time and you need to boost your confidence and have a brush-up.

The classes are based on interesting newspaper articles from publications like the Guardian, the New York Times and the Economist, which have been selected to inspire discussion. The articles are accompanied by tasks that focus on, e.g., increasing your vocabulary, improving your spoken fluency, and helping with pronunciation. You can expect to spend the majority of the lesson discussing with your fellow participants and working together with them on various tasks.

We also often watch YouTube clips from, e.g., documentaries on subjects connected to the topics in the articles to improve your listening skills and to inspire more lively debate.

The classes are held in a relaxed and fun atmosphere in which the focus is on improving your English skills as much as possible.

This is not a grammar course, but your teacher will explain any grammatical mistakes you make as they can prevent you from holding a fluent and accurate conversation. Material focused on improving your grammar will be provided for homework if necessary.

Some lessons will be based on role-plays, where you will work together in groups to solve a particular task. These fun lessons have been developed by the teachers to get you to talk together as much as possible to increase your fluency and confidence.

Teaching material
You do not need to buy a book for this course. Your teacher will provide the teaching material, which is included in the price.

Overview of the course layout and material
You will receive access to our online digital platform, Moodle. Moodle provides a comprehensive overview of the entire course. You will also be able to contact your classmates and discuss the activities taking place in your class.

On Moodle you can:

  • see the plan for the course, the individual teaching sessions and homework

  • see teaching materials including extra materials such as videos

  • communicate with your teacher and your fellow students

  • follow up and catch up on lessons missed if you are absent during the course

Preparation time: approx. 1-2 hours.

There is a maximum of 16 students in this class.

Bing Sitoy

Bing has published a novel and two collections of short stories and has won fellowships and awards for her literary work. She holds an MA from Roskilde University in English Studies/ Cultural and Language Encounters, and has worked as a lifestyle and opinion editor, a newspaper columnist and editorial writer, and a teacher of communication, creative writing and non-fiction.  

Bing loves the energy and connection of teaching, as well as the diversity of Studieskolen’s student population. She values precision in the use of language and enjoys helping students sharpen their writing and speaking skills.

Bing recommends:
Food and drink: Pasta in a sauce of garlic and crab fat, Danish Christmas tea all year round
Learning tips: Read as much as you can -- take out a good old-fashioned, professionally-edited book from Record yourself in monologues or conversations. Look up the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions.
Places to visit: The Big Island in Hawaii; Santorini on the back of a donkey; anywhere in Iceland
Literature: Julian Barnes, Hilary Mantel, Chandler Burr, Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games), to name a few.
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C1 Advanced Conversation for Fluency

20. november - 22. januar
