
A1.1 Spanish for beginners - in English

tirsdag 8. april
kr. 1.705
Nedsat pris
kr. 1.545
Start 08.04.2025
Periode 08.04.2025 til 24.06.2025
Lektioner 27
Hold nr.: 4307-25
Underviser BA Marianne Clausen
Sted Adresse meddeles
Lokale Meddeles
Tid tir 17.30 - 20.00
Pris kr. 1.705
Nedsat pris kr. 1.545
Tid tir 17.30 - 20.00

Your great journey in Spain and Latin America starts here
If you do not speak any Spanish at all and would like to, but you do no speak Danish, then this is the course for you. By the end of the course, you will be able to have small conversations in Spanish about yourself, your work and your family. You will also learn numbers, months and greetings in Spanish. And you will learn to spell out words. You will practise a lot of useful words and phrases, so you can shop at the market, order some food and beer at a bar and ask your way around the next time you are in a Spanish-speaking country.

During the lesson we focus on speaking as much Spanish as possible in class to help you develop fluency and confidence when you need to talk in Spanish with the more than 500 million people that speak Spanish across the globe.

Maybe you are travelling to Spain or Latin America? Then you will need to know the right greetings and know when to be informal and formal. You will also need to speak so that you are understood, so we will practice pronunciation and you will practice listening to what is being said. It
is fun to learn Spanish when you can talk about yourself and your life - and ask others about theirs, so we work a lot on that. It is also fun to learn more about the Spanish-speaking world, so we read and talk about Seville, Bogotá, Mexico, Colombia and the Panamericana route along the American continent.

You will learn how to shop in Spanish and ask about prices, as well as the most common food and drink terms. With these words, you will be able to navigate shops and markets. Shopping at the market in particular is a cultural experience in itself.
Excuse me. What time iit?
is often easy to start a conversation when you ask what time it is. So we go over that in the course, even though you probably always have your mobile phone with you.
We also practise numbers, dates and saying yes or no to something so you can have good conversations - even as a beginner.
Finally, e will go over how the day is divided up, why the afternoon lasts until eight o'clock at night and how daily life is broken up by siestas in many parts of Spain.
You will also learn practical grammar and vocabulary to help you get around when travelling, such as which train or bus to take and when it leaves.
Studieskolen - when you want to speak the language
One of the characteristics of learning languages at Studieskolen is that we often attract students who really want to learn to speak the language and therefore turn up well-prepared.
At the same time, the focus is on you learning to speak the language. That is why all classes are conducted in Spanish or as much Spanish as possible, unless there is a good reason to do otherwise.

On the beginner course, you will learn how to conjugate verbs in the present tense, so you will learn to speak correctly from the start. But the focus is primarily on the living Spanish language. Because it is so important that you speak as much as possible, classroom instruction is often supplemented by group work or working in pairs.

On the beginner course, you will learn to

  • greet others

  • talk about yourself, your work and your family

  • express your personal preferences and hobbies

Get an overview of the course and materials
You get access to Moodle, our online learning platform. Here you have a complete overview of the entire course. You will also be able to connect with other students and talk about what is happening in the class.
In Moodle you can:

  • see the plan of the entire course, the individual lessons and homework

  • view course materials, including extra materials

  • communicate with your teacher and fellow students

  • follow along and catch up if you are absent during the course

Teaching material in English
Nos vemos hoy 1 A Spanish course for English speakers ISBN 9788419273161 (student's book)
Nos vemos hoy 1 A Spanish course for English speakers ISBN 9788419273178 (work book) from the publishing company Difusión.
We will work with chapters 1-3. You can either buy the books online at or at their shop.
There are 13-20 participants in the class.
Preparation time: about 2 hours per week.

Marianne Clausen

Marianne er kandidatstuderende i spansk sprog og kultur på Københavns Universitet.
Hendes interesse for spansk blev især vakt på sprogskoleophold i Malaga og Granada samt på en rejse til Cuba. Sidenhen har en hel, ny verden åbnet sig for hende, og det har haft stor indflydelse på hendes liv hvad angår fx valg af venner, kulturelle interesser, spisevaner og i det hele taget hendes måde at tænke på.
Marianne har også en bachelor i engelsk og litteraturvidenskab og hun har arbejdet som engelskunderviser med børn og unge i Asien i en periode på seks år.
Hendes interesser, udover at undervise og rejse, er i særlig grad spansk og latinamerikansk litteratur. Hun læser fx gerne forfattere som Gabriel García Márquez, Roberto Bolaño, Cesar Aira m.fl.
Hun kan også godt lide at danse og lytte til latinamerikansk musik, som fx boleroen og tangoen, men også til mere nutidig musik som rapgruppen Calle 13.
Desuden kan hun godt lide at nørde med grammatik.
I undervisningen lægger hun særlig vægt på, at der skal være plads til alle (også til at begå fejl), og at materialet så vidt muligt bliver tilpasset de studerendes interesser. Sammenhæng mellem undervisningslektionerne er også noget, der prioriteres højt, fx vil der være hjemmearbejde, som i undervisningen vil danne basis for skriftlige og især mundtlige opgaver, hvor alle kursister deltager aktivt.

Mariannes tips til at lære spansk:
”For begyndere og let øvede er det især vigtigt at læse og lytte meget. Som lytteøvelse anbefaler jeg youtube-kanalen: ”Español con Juan”, som formår at overlevere spansk kultur og grammatik på en sjov og lærerig måde.
For studerende på et mere avanceret niveau anbefaler jeg bogen ”Como agua para chocolate” af den mexicanske forfatter Laura Esquivel. Bogen er i øvrigt også filmatiseret.”

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A1.1 Spanish for beginners - in English

8. april - 24. juni
