
C1 Everyday English - Intensive

mandag 7. april
kr. 5.950
Nedsat pris
kr. 5.530
Start 07.04.2025
Periode 07.04.2025 til 25.06.2025
Lektioner 70
Hold nr.: 4026-25
Underviser TESOL, PhD Stuart Wright
Sted Gothersgade 14, 1. Sal
Lokale 103
Tid man 09.00 - 12.00
ons 09.00 - 12.00
Pris kr. 5.950
Nedsat pris kr. 5.530
Tid man 09.00 - 12.00
ons 09.00 - 12.00

Practise everyday English intensively twice a week
If you would like to improve your English fast, we recommend one of our intensive courses. You can quickly broaden your vocabulary and improve your spoken English significantly. On this intensive course, you will become more fluent when having discussions with friends and professional work colleagues.

This could be in-depth conversations about abstract or complex issues such as:

  • Leisure, relaxation and stress

  • Behaviour and attitudes

  • The future

  • Emotions

  • Change

You will also learn language that will help you handle specific advanced practical situations such as giving an informal talk, negotiating, using vague language, managing conversations, giving a presentation or talking about a magazine story.

The primary focus is that you become better at speaking English, but you will also be given written assignments for homework. Most lessons will also involve studying some grammar to ensure that your English is as accurate as possible.

The course focuses on the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
As we will be meeting twice a week and there will also be homework, you will be practising your English nearly every day, which means you will get into a totally different rhythm than if you had only been going to English classes once per week.
On the course, you will typically meet students who need to improve their English because they have recently got a new job, or students who need to improve their English quickly so they can perform well in their current job.

Teaching material
You can buy the book before you start or wait until after the first class: Life, National Geographic, Advanced, Student's book, Split Edition A , 2018 (Cambridge University Press), ISBN 9781337631518. We will study selected pages. You can buy the book online, for example, at Use the ISBN number to search for the book.

The book includes a student's app, which contains the video and audio from the student's book and workbook, grammar practice activities, interactive reading practice, expanded wordlists and games. In addition, the book can be projected on the whiteboard so you and the other students will typically follow the teaching there as well as looking in your own book

Overview of the course layout and material
You will receive access to our online digital platform, Moodle. Moodle provides a comprehensive overview of the entire course. You will also be able to contact your classmates and discuss the activities taking place in your class.

On Moodle you can:

  • see the plan for the course, the individual teaching sessions and homework

  • see teaching materials including extra materials such as videos

  • communicate with your teacher and your fellow students

  • follow up and catch up on lessons missed if you are absent during the course

Preparation time: approx. 1-2 hours.
There is a maximum of 16 students in this class.

Stuart Wright

Stuart Wright er englænder og kommer fra lige uden for London. Han har en bachelor fra Bournemouth University, en master fra Roskilde Universitet og en phd fra Københavns Universitet. Han er også certificeret TESOL engelsklærer. Han underviser på alle niveauer i engelsk, fra begyndere til viderekomne - han underviser også Business English i forskellige virksomheder i og uden for København. Når han underviser, kan han bedst lide at hjælpe folk til at opnå deres mål på engelsk. Han endte i Danmark takket være en dansk kvinde! 

Stuart anbefaler:
Food and drink: It has to be fish and chips washed down with a pint of cider!
Learning tips: Work hard! ;-)
Places to visit: In Denmark – Louisiana
In the UK – Bath, a beautiful city and of course London!
Cultural events: Glastonbury Festival in the south
Literature: Usually American literature. Anything by Cormac McCarthy. Also Tom Wolfe, Brett Easton Ellis.
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C1 Everyday English - Intensive

7. april - 25. juni
