
Danish for beginners (A1, part 1) - online

tirsdag 7. januar
kr. 1.955
Start 07.01.2025
Periode 07.01.2025 til 13.02.2025
Lektioner 30
Hold nr.: 01005-25
Underviser cand.mag. Jeanette Dideriksen
Sted online
Lokale Zoom
Tid tir 18.55 - 21.00
tor 18.55 - 21.00
Pris kr. 1.955
Tid tir 18.55 - 21.00
tor 18.55 - 21.00

Speak Danish!
A course for students who cannot come to class or live outside Copenhagen.
There will be two online sessions a week.
This class requires self discipline and motivation!

You will very quickly learn to handle very simple situations in Danish.
You will first learn the absolute basics, such as:

  • Telling a little bit about yourself

  • Asking about others

  • Asking how someone is doing

  • Asking someone their name, where they live, and where they are from

  • Asking someone which languages they speak

Within a short amount of time, you will also learn numbers, time expressions, and the names of weekdays and months.
You will learn how to ask someone for their telephone number and address and also both tell about your own family and ask others about theirs.
We will talk about housing and different types of homes, and you will learn to describe how and where you live. You will learn to tell about your job and much else besides.

Pronunciation is a chapter for itself.
It is critical that you acquire good Danish pronunciation, which is why we focus on it from the very beginning. We will practise how to pronounce the different sounds unique to Danish, and how the melody of a Danish sentence should sound.

Teaching materials developed at Studieskolen
The teaching material Danish to Go is a learning system which is developed by teachers at Studieskolen specifically for Studieskolen's students.
The material is online. You will get access to a comprehensive online learning site with sound, video, practice exercises and online resources with grammar and vocabulary.
We will be working with chapters 1-3.
Each chapter consists of:

  • A video with four main characters, experiencing typical everyday situations

  • An introduction to new vocabulary with short texts and listening exercises

  • An introduction to pronunciation and pronunciation exercises

  • Verbal exercises and tasks, f.ex. conversation exercises

  • A series of grammar and vocabulary exercises

  • Writing exercises

The teaching materials are included in the course price. You will also automatically receive access to our online learning platform Moodle.

How is the class conducted?
The teaching form is online.
You will work on your computer on listening comprehension, reading and writing exercises. Twice a week there will be online sessions where we practice oral Danish and conversation. We will also work on pronunciation and grammar.
The class is held in Danish, but we use English as a helping language, f.ex. to explain grammar.

Practical information
This course is for those who do not already speak any Danish.
Danish for beginners is the equivalent of the first half of level A1 in the Common European Framework Reference for Languages.
You must have access to a computer good internet access and a web camera. It is an advantage if you are experienced in using digital tools.

Jeanette Dideriksen

Jeanette anbefaler:
"Jeg har altid syntes, Amager er noget helt specielt, og især Dragør! Dragør er et godt sted at tage hen, hvis man gerne vil gå en tur ved vandet eller slappe af. Her kan man sidde i fred og ro på en bænk eller café og kigge ud over den lille hyggelige havn, mens man lytter til mågernes skrig og lader tankerne flyve. Der er masser af stemning, og hvis det er lidt uklart, hvad fænomenet ”dansk hygge” dækker over, så synes jeg, Dragør er et godt bud. Og så er der jo også udsigt til broen, der forbinder Danmark og Sverige. Måske kender du allerede den dansk-svenske tv-serie ”Broen” - og her er det mere uhyggeligt end hyggeligt. Når du alligevel er på disse kanter, så kunne du tage en tur forbi den legendariske Flyvergrill ved Københavns Lufthavn! Her letter og lander fly fra hele verden lige for næsen af dig, og også her er stemningen helt speciel. Der er både professionelle med store telelinser og almindelige familier, der bare synes, det er sjovt at se flyene så tæt på.

Men du kan selvfølgelig også finde mange spændende steder inde midt i København. Assistens Kirkegård på Nørrebro (bag de lange gule mure) er virkelig et interessant sted. Men vær opmærksom på, at københavnerne mere bruger kirkegården som en park end en kirkegård, ellers kan man blive ret overrasket. Her kan du støde på mange gravsteder, hvor berømte danskere ligger, bl.a. H.C. Andersen, Søren Kierkegaard, Niels Bohr og sangerinden Natasja, der døde meget ung. Og hvis den danske sommer (ved et mirakel!) ikke består af alt for meget regn, så er der enormt mange gode - og gratis – tilbud rundt omkring i parker og på pladser, såsom musik, gratis filmforevisning, sommerdans i Fælledparken, hvor du kan få gratis danseundervisning i forskellige stilarter, etc. - you name it!"
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Danish for beginners (A1, part 1) - online

7. januar - 13. februar
