
Danish for beginners (A1, part 1)

tirsdag 18. februar
kr. 1.955
Start 18.02.2025
Periode 18.02.2025 til 27.03.2025
Lektioner 30
Hold nr.: 02002-25
Underviser cand.scient.pol. Oscar Otto Sanz
Sted Borgergade 12, 1. Sal
Lokale 113
Tid tir 18.55 - 21.00
tor 18.55 - 21.00
Pris kr. 1.955
Tid tir 18.55 - 21.00
tor 18.55 - 21.00

Speak Danish!
You will very quickly learn to handle very simple situations in Danish.
You will first learn the absolute basics, such as:

  • Telling a little bit about yourself

  • Asking about others

  • Asking how someone is doing

  • Asking someone their name, where they live, and where they are from

  • Asking someone which languages they speak

Within a short amount of time, you will also learn numbers, time expressions, and the names of weekdays and months.
You will learn how to ask someone for their telephone number and address and also both tell about your own family and ask others about theirs.
We will talk about housing and different types of homes, and you will learn to describe how and where you live. You will learn to tell about your job and much else besides.

Pronunciation is a chapter for itself.
It is critical that you acquire good Danish pronunciation, which is why we focus on it from the very beginning. We will practise how to pronounce the different sounds unique to Danish, and how the melody of a Danish sentence should sound.

Teaching materials developed at Studieskolen
The teaching material Danish to Go is a learning system which is developed by teachers at Studieskolen specifically for Studieskolen's students.
The material consists of two books - a textbook and an exercise book - which you will use in class, as well as a comprehensive online learning site with sound, video, practice exercises and online resources with grammar and vocabulary.
We will be working with chapters 1-3.
Each chapter consists of:

  • A video with four main characters, experiencing typical everyday situations

  • An introduction to new vocabulary with short texts and listening exercises

  • An introduction to pronunciation and pronunciation exercises

  • Verbal exercises and tasks, f.ex. conversation exercises

  • A series of grammar and vocabulary exercises

  • Writing exercises

The teaching materials are included in the course price. The teacher will hand out the books in class, and you will automatically receive access to our online learning platform Moodle.

How is the class conducted?
The teaching form is blended learning, where in class we work with oral Danish and conversation exercises, we practise our pronunciation and work a little on grammar.
At home on your own computer you will spend a lot of time working on listening comprehension, reading and writing exercises.
The class is held in Danish, but we use English as a helping-language, f.ex. to explain grammar.

Practical information
This course is for those who do not already speak any Danish.
Danish for beginners 1 is the equivalent of the first half of level A1 in the Common European Framework Reference for Languages.
There are 5 lessons of 45 minutes in class per week.
We expect you to do homework 8 hours per week.
There will be 10-18 students per class.

Oscar Otto Sanz

Oscar anbefaler:
Hvad er dit yndlingssted i København?
”Om sommeren er der masser af små stille oaser i København, men Kongens Have er ganske unik med sin historie, sin smukke stil - og så ligger den kun et stenkast fra Studieskolen. Om vinteren ligger Davids Fond og Samling op ad Kongens Have. Her kan man komme ind gratis og nyde bl.a. en fantastisk islamisk samling af miniaturemalerier, som jeg aldrig bliver færdig med at beundre.”
Har du en dansk kunstner, du vil anbefale?
”Jeg vil altid anbefale H.C. Andersen - ikke kun for hans eventyr, som er verdensberømte, men fordi han står som eksempel for et menneske, der fandt sin vej i livet ved at følge sin indre stemme, hvor svært det end var, og samtidig fik rejst meget i løbet af sit liv. Det ville have været en fornøjelse at have haft en samtale med ham.”
Din yndlingspark
”Jeg kan ikke lade være med at fremhæve Fælledparken, som jeg har boet omkring i 25 år. En fælled er jo et stykke græs, hvor alles dyr kan græsse, og sådan er det nok startet, men i dag er den rammen for mange aktiviteter i byen - ikke mindst sportsaktiviteter med to stadioner, mange boldbaner, flere legepladser, DHL-løb osv. Men den har også en sansehave for blinde og mange hyggelige steder at slappe af, fx omkring den smukke sø eller ved Cafe-Pavillonen.”
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Danish for beginners (A1, part 1)

18. februar - 27. marts
