
Danish for almost beginners (A1, part 2)

mandag 17. februar
kr. 1.955
Start 17.02.2025
Periode 17.02.2025 til 26.03.2025
Lektioner 30
Hold nr.: 02012-25
Underviser cand.mag. Mikkel Rasmussen
Sted Borgergade 12, 1. Sal
Lokale 122
Tid man 18.55 - 21.00
ons 18.55 - 21.00
Pris kr. 1.955
Tid man 18.55 - 21.00
ons 18.55 - 21.00

Speak Danish!
This course is for you if you have taken our beginner level part 1 or a beginners' course somewhere else.
In this course you will continue to strengthen your skills in speaking Danish in everyday situations, f.ex.: when you

  • are shopping

  • are eating at a restaurant or going to a café

  • are speaking to your friends

  • are taking the bus, train, or metro

We will talk about leisure time and interests, and you will learn to tell about what you are doing when you are not working or studying. You will also learn to explain what you did before, where you were, and what you will be doing later.
We practise expressing things that have happened in the past.
You will learn to express what you like, and what you don't like.
We will also work with listening and video exercises, so your understanding of spoken Danish keeps improving.

Danish pronunciation
It is critical that you acquire good Danish pronunciation, which is why, every time we meet, we focus on how to pronounce the different sounds unique to Danish, and how the melody of a Danish sentence should sound.

Teaching materials developed at Studieskolen
The teaching material Danish to Go is a learning system which is developed by teachers at Studieskolen specifically for Studieskolen's students.
The material consists of two books you will use in class, a textbook and an exercise book, as well as a comprehensive online learning site with sound, video, practice exercises, and online resources with grammar and vocabulary.
We will be working with chapters 4-6.
Each chapter consists of:

  • A video with four main characters, experiencing typical everyday situations

  • An introduction to new vocabulary with short texts and listening exercises

  • An introduction to pronunciation and pronunciation exercises

  • Verbal exercises and tasks, f.ex. conversation exercises

  • A series of grammar and vocabulary exercises

  • Writing exercises

The teaching materials are included in the course price. The teacher will hand out the books in class, and you will automatically receive access to our online learning platform Moodle.

How is the class conducted?
The teaching form is blended learning, where in class we work with oral Danish and conversation exercises, we practise pronunciation and work a little on grammar.
At home on your own computer you will spend a lot of time working on listening comprehension, reading and writing exercises.
The class is held in Danish, but we use English as a helping language, f.ex. to explain grammar.

Practical information
This course is for those who already speak some Danish, f.ex if you have already taken the first half of Danish Education 3 module 1, or Studieskolen's Danish for beginners - part 1.
Danish for almost beginners is the equivalent of the second half of level A1 in the Common European Framework Reference for Languages.
There are 5 lessons of 45 minutes in class per week.
We expect you to do homework 8 hours per week.
There will be 10-18 students per class.

Mikkel Rasmussen

Mikkel anbefaler:
"Jeg elsker de steder i og omkring byen, hvor naturen får plads, og hvor man kan finde ro.
Amager Strandpark er et af de steder for mig, særligt uden for sommersæsonen og de mange badegæster. En gå- eller løbetur langs vandet blandt marehalm og små klitter på den menneskeskabte ø eller langs den gamle kystlinje og de høje træer og brede græsarealer er noget særligt - uanset vejret.
Der findes også mange unikke steder og øjeblikke i selve byen. Jeg er flere gange blevet overrasket over, hvor mange smukke bygninger og gader der faktisk er.
Prøv at gå en tur i centrum en forårsmorgen uden andet formål end at sætte dig på tre-fire forskellige københavnerbænke og suge omgivelserne ind - gerne med en kop medbragt kaffe. Læg mærke til folks stemmer, byens summen, havnens vand - og se historien i alt fra gadebelægningerne til de arkitektoniske detaljer på husfacaderne. Det er en fed oplevelse."
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Danish for almost beginners (A1, part 2)

17. februar - 26. marts
