
C1 Business English Communication

onsdag 23. oktober
kr. 3.070
Nedsat pris
kr. 2.965
Start 23.10.2024
Periode 23.10.2024 til 27.11.2024
Lektioner 18
Hold nr.: 1034-24
Underviser MA Wynn Stewart
Sted Borgergade 12, 1. sal
Lokale 120
Tid ons 18.00 - 20.30
Pris kr. 3.070
Nedsat pris kr. 2.965
Tid ons 18.00 - 20.30

Fine-tune your English language skills for the workplace
This course is for you if you already speak English at a high level, but would like to fine-tune your business English further so you become even better and more skilful at avoiding misunderstandings.

Therefore, we focus on high-level skills, such as speaking clear and fluent English during business meetings, while on the telephone and when making presentations at work.

We also work on understanding everyday business terms, common expressions and phrasal verbs.
In addition, correct pronunciation will be emphasised, as well as the accurate use of appropriate language style in business emails.

For written assignments, you will have the chance to practise writing formal letters and emails. You will receive feedback on these from your teacher.

Teaching material
The course is not based on a course book. Instead your teacher will provide all the teaching material, which is taken from a variety of interesting and relevant sources and is included in the price. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to share your opinions and ideas with your fellow students. You will develop your skills in a relaxed and friendly environment to help you succeed in the workplace.

Overview of the course layout and material
You will receive access to our online digital platform, Moodle. Moodle provides a comprehensive overview of the entire course. You will also be able to contact your classmates and discuss the activities taking place in your class.

On Moodle you can:

  • see the plan for the course, the individual teaching sessions and homework

  • see teaching materials including extra materials such as videos

  • communicate with your teacher and your fellow students

  • follow up and catch up on lessons missed if you are absent during the course

Preparation time: approx. 1 hour.

There is a maximum of 8 students in this class.

Wynn Stewart

Wynn er født i Californien og er halv amerikaner og halv brite, eftersom has mor var "andengenerationsindvandrer" i USA (af dansk afstamning), hans far var oprindelig fra Skotland, og hans farmor var nordmand. Wynn har boet i USA, Japan, England og Danmark, i den rækkefølge. Fordi hans baggrund er lidt indviklet, plejer han blot at fortælle, at han betragter sig selv som en "verdensborger". Han er gift med Anne-Grete og er far til fire amerikanske/britiske/danske børn.

Wynn har en master i engelsk og samfundsfag. Han taler engelsk og dansk og kan også en del japansk og lidt spansk og tysk. Han holder af sprog og sprogundervisning og elsker at se forbedring i elever. Han kan undervise på alle niveauer, men foretrækker CAE, Proficiency og businessengelsk.
Wynn er glad for to citater, der mere eller mindre opsummerer hans syn på undervisning: "Be the guide on the side, not the sage on the stage" og "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care".

Hans fritidsinteresser inkluderer læsning, løbetræning, film og brætspil. Han tror på, at hver person har et formål i livet, og at "der er mere mellem himmel og jord".

Wynn anbefaler:
Food and drink:
Pizza, pasta, a durum shawarma, japanese "okonomiyaki" or a good Caeser salad, washed down with a mango lassi (I don't drink alcohol or smoke)
Learning tips: Remember to read and listen. Be curious and willing to make mistakes. Practice may make perfect, but don't be a perfectionist.
Places to visit: London! If you're tired of London, you're tired of life. 
Literature: Anything by Ray Bradbury, John Steinbeck or C.S. Lewis

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C1 Business English Communication

23. oktober - 27. november
